Monday, March 5, 2012

3-5-12 Highgate Hotel, my home for about 2 weeks in Accra Ghana. The people are really nice here.  There is airconditioning in my room which is good as the daily high temperature is about 90 degrees F. This morning I learned about the history of Ghana. I will tell you more tomorrow as it is independence day and we are going to the ceremonies.  This afternoon we went to US Embassy and met with some of the teachers that we will be going to visit in their classes. Apparently classes are bigger here, about 50-90 students in one class. On Wednesday I will visit some schools but not go into the classes with students until Thursday.

We watched and danced with a dance troupe tonight. If I can figure out how to post a video, I will put one up for you tomorrow. It is late here now for me, but you in Geneseo are 5 hours behind me.

Stay tuned ,
Mr. French


  1. You are looking good!! Nice hotel. Hope you can post some video of the dancing!! Did you dance????
    Happy Independence Day!! Can't wait to hear more!!
    Love Deb

  2. Replies
    1. I should have gotten a video but I was so absorbed in dancing I forgot to take the video.

  3. What the useual tempeture in Africa this time of the year in degrees ferenhiet?

    Michael Caruso

    1. Every day in Accra where I am it is about a high of 90 degrees f and a low of about 77 degrees f. It only varies about 1 degree a day.

  4. Replies
    1. Average annual salary is $2-3000 dollars. The economy is considered to be one of the fastest growing in the world due to oil and gold reserves, lots of foreign investment.

  5. Are the classrooms larger there with so many kids being in one class, or are they just very vey crammed?

    1. I have not been in one yet but my impression they are tight as sometimes it is not possible for a teacher to even walk among students to look at their work. I will post some pictures by the weekend so you can see for yourself. The teachers switch classes instead of the students. I will post more on the class conditions on Thursday or Friday.

  6. What do the people dress like in Ghana?

    1. Check out some of the pictures from the parade. There is both local garb and western, students wear uniforms to school.
      Stay tuned for pictures to answer your question.

  7. are the rooms big in the hotel?????

    1. My room is very big and up scale and expensive. It costs $160 per night which is a lot of money here. I will try to post a picture in the next few days.

  8. Hey Rand is there snow? skiing on Saturday so sorry you cant join us. (i am in a Castle lerning workshop right now can you tell?)
    You look RELAXED!!!! Hope that you are learning lots! :) all is well at GCS.

    1. This is more relaxed pace then at home, but no snow so I guess I will come back.

  9. Hi Randy!! Wow, big class sizes.. I guess we have nothing to complain about over here in America. Glad you are having a good time so far. I will keep checking in!
